Rehoboth Terrace Holiday Cottage
August 2024: We have won our expensive, year-long battle to retain our off-street parking space!! We have had the front wall removed to improve access and had a new surface put down to improve drainage. The dimensions remain the same: around 6.5m long (the opening is diagonal, so just over 6.7m), just over 3m wide at the porch end and at about half way along it starts tapering in to meet the garden wall, where it is 2.3m wide.
No wall means it is easier to park, and to get in and out of the car, but it has meant we've lost most of the barrier to the road. We submitted 2 different proposals, the first keeping an extra 1m of wall outside the porch, but with both being flatly refused by Anglesey Council, we had to take the one we thought had the greatest chance of winning to Appeal.
A guest has kindly provided a photo of their van parked on it to give some perspective of space!
Our off-street parking space is in addition to the on-street parking usually available opposite our house/garden wall (alongside the grass verge).
There's an unwritten rule on the terrace that everyone parks roughly opposite their own house (garden in our case, as we're on the end). Anyone bringing 3 cars is highly unlikely to be able to park the third unless 2 fit on our front. Buses run past our house a few times a day, plus tractors, and sometimes caravans, so you can't stick out too much.
Please Note: the front of the house is no longer a secure area. We have an inner and outer front door, so double barrier to the road. The back/side garden still has a solid tall gate that can be bolted from the inside, as well as just latched.